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姓名: 钟晓岚








发表SCI文章70余篇,包括Nature Nanotechnology,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,ACS Nano,Nano Energy,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Physical Review系列等,总引用3000余次,H因子29,单篇最高引用超过450次。主持/参与科研项目10余项,其中包括国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、完美体育卓越百人支持计划,完美体育青年拔尖人才支持计划等。获中国感光学会科学技术二等奖(排名:3/6,2021年);参与撰写中文著作《纳米光子学研究前沿》;本领域国际会议做邀请报告、口头报告和海报20余次,并应多所著名大学及科研院所邀请做学术报告。研究成果得到了相关领域国际学术界的广泛关注。



中国科学院物理研究所 光学 博士





首都师范大学 光学 硕士


首都师范大学物理学 本科



完美体育 完美体育 教授 博士生导师



法国斯特拉斯堡大学University of Strasbourg 博士后





Leading author works

1.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells(2023)–Tian, M.?; Liu, X.?; Diao, X.;Zhong, X.*High Performance PANI/MnO2Coral-like Nanocomposite Anode for Flexible and Robust Electrochromic Energy Storage Device.,253, 112239. [IF:7.305 Q1]

2.Chemical Engineering Journal(2023)–Su, Y.; Wang, Y.; Lu, Z.; Tian, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, M.; Diao, X.;Zhong, X.*A Dual-Function Device with High Coloring Efficiency Based on a Highly Stable Electrochromic Nanocomposite Material.,456, 141075. [IF:16.744 Q1]

3.Front. Phys.(2023)–Li, Z.; Li, X.; Zhang, G.Zhong, X.*Realizing Strong Photon blockade at Exceptional points in 1 weak coupling regime.11, 1168372. [IF:3.9 Q2]

4.Opt. Express(2023)–Song, J.; Liu, B.; Shan,X.*; Wang, F.;Zhong, X.*Multi-functional dual-path self-aligned polarization interference lithography. 31(11) 17629-17644. [IF:3.833 Q2]

5.Opt. Express(2023)–Li, Z.; Li, X.;Zhong, X.*Optomechanical entanglement affected by exceptional point in a WGM resonator system.Opt. Express20230631, 19382. [IF:3.833 Q2]

6.Opt. Express(2023)–Zhu, H.;Li, X.; Li, Z.; Wang, F.;Zhong, X.*Strong antibunching effect under the combination of conventional and unconventional photon blockade. 31, 22030. [IF:3.833 Q2]

7.Chinese Phys. B(2023)–Li, X; Liu F.; Li, Z.; Zhu, H.; Wang F.;Zhong, X.*https://doi.org/10.1088/1674-1056/acd7d2

8.J. Mater. Chem. A(2022)–Wang, Y.;Zhong, X.*; Liu, X.; Lu, Z.; Su, Y.; Wang, M.; Diao, X. A Fast Self-Charging and Temperature Adaptive Electrochromic Energy Storage Device. 10 (8), 3944–3952.. [IF:14.511 Q1published as a cover paper]

9.J. Phys. Chem. Lett.(2021)–Tian, M.; Li, X.; Li, Z.;Zhong, X.*Analysis of the Forward and Reverse Strongly Coupled States on the Nonradiative Energy Transfer Effect. 12 (20), 4944–4950.. [IF:6.888 Q1]

10.Phys. Rev. A(2021)–Li, Z.; Li, X.;Zhong, X.*Strong Photon Blockade in an All-Fiber Emitter-Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics System. 103 (4), 043724. [IF:2.971 Q2]

11.Journal of Inorganic Materials(2021)–Zhong, X.; Liu, X.; Diao, X.*Electrochromic Devices Based on Tungsten Oxide and Nickel Oxide: a Review. 36 (2), 128. [IF:1.292 Q3published as a invited cover paper]

12.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.(2021)–Lu, Z.;Zhong, X.*; Liu, X.; Wang, J.; Diao, X.*Energy Storage Electrochromic Devices in the Era of Intelligent Automation.23(26), 14126–14145. [IF:3.945 Q1]

13.Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top.(2021)–Zhu, H.; Li, X.; Li, Z.;Zhong, X.*A Robust and Flexible High-Order Photon Blocking Effect Based on Drive Ratio Analysis.231,735-742.[IF:2.891 Q2]

14.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells(2020)–He, Y.; Jones, T. W.; Anderson, K. F.; Duffy, N. W.; Wang, M.; Dong, G.;Zhong, X.*; Wilson, G. J.*; Diao, X.*An Extensible and Tunable Full-Opaque Cascade Smart Electrochromic Device. 218, 110740. [IF:7.305 Q1]

15.J. Phys. Chem. C(2020)–Li, X.; Liu, F.; Tian, M.;Zhong, X.*Tunable Multimode Plasmon–Exciton Coupling for Absorption-Induced Transparency and Strong Coupling. 124 (43), 23888–23894. [IF:4.177 Q2]

16.Electrochimica Acta(2020)–Yu, H.; Guo, J.; Wang, C.; Zhang, J.; Liu, J.; Dong, G.;Zhong, X.*; Diao, X.*Essential Role of Oxygen Vacancy in Electrochromic Performance and Stability for WO3-y Films Induced by Atmosphere Annealing. 332, 135504. [IF:7.336 Q1]

17.Electrochimica Acta(2019)–Yu, H.; Guo, J.; Wang, C.; Zhang, J.; Liu, J.;Zhong, X.*; Dong, G.; Diao, X.*High Performance in Electrochromic Amorphous WOxFilm with Long-Term Stability and Tunable Switching Times via Al/Li-Ions Intercalation/Deintercalation. 318, 644–650. [IF:7.336 Q1]

18.Electrochimica Acta(2019)–He, Y.; Li, T.;Zhong, X.*; Zhou, M.*; Dong, G.; Diao, X.*Lattice and Electronic Structure Variations in Critical Lithium Doped Nickel Oxide Thin Film for Superior Anode Electrochromism. 316, 143–151. [IF:7.336 Q1]

19.Nano Energy(2019)–Liu, L.; Du, K.; He, Z.; Wang, T.;Zhong, X.*; Ma, T.; Yang, J.; He, Y.; Dong, G.; Wang, S.; Diao, X.*High-Temperature Adaptive and Robust Ultra-Thin Inorganic All-Solid-State Smart Electrochromic Energy Storage Devices. 62, 46–54. [IF:19.069 Q1]

20.J. Mater. Chem. A(2019)–Li, Y.?*;Zhong, X.?; Luo, K.; Shao, Z.*A Hydrophobic Polymer Stabilized P-Cu2O Nanocrystal Photocathode for Highly Efficient Solar Water Splitting. 7 (26), 15593–15598. [IF:14.511 Q1]

21.Electrochimica Acta(2018)–He, Y.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, Q.; Dong, G.;Zhong, X.*; Diao, X.*High Capacity and Performance Lithium Based Electrochromic Device via Amorphous Tantalum Oxide Protective Layer. 280, 163–170. [IF:7.336 Q1]

22.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(2017)–Zhong, X.; Chervy, T.; Zhang, L.; Thomas, A.; George, J.; Genet, C.; Hutchison, J. A.; Ebbesen, T. W.*Energy Transfer between Spatially Separated Entangled Molecules. 56 (31), 9034–9038. [IF:16.823 Q1ESIhigh citation paper]

23.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(2016)–Zhong, X.; Chervy, T.; Wang, S.; George, J.; Thomas, A.; Hutchison, J. A.; Devaux, E.; Genet, C.; Ebbesen, T. W.*Non-Radiative Energy Transfer Mediated by Hybrid Light-Matter States. 55 (21), 6202–6206. [IF:16.823 Q1published as ahotpaper]

24.ACS Nano(2016)–Zhong, X.; Rodrigo, S. G.; Zhang, L.; Samorì, P.; Genet, C.; Martín-Moreno, L.; Hutchison, J. A.*; Ebbesen, T. W. Waveguide and Plasmonic Absorption-Induced Transparency. 10 (4), 4570–4578.

25.Chin. Opt. Lett.(2014)–Zhong, X.; Liu, J.; Li, Z.*Highly Enhanced Broadband Infrared Absorption of Germanium by Multi-Layer Plasmonic Nano-Antenna. 12 (9), 092401–092404.

26.Appl. Phys. A(2014)–Zhong, X.; Hong, M.; Li, Z.*Spaser in Plasmonic Nano-Antenna Evaluated by an Analytical Theory. 115 (1), 5–11.

27.Phys. Rev. B(2013)–Zhong, X.; Li, Z.*All-Analytical Semiclassical Theory of Spaser Performance in a Plasmonic Nanocavity. 88 (8), 085101.

28.J. Opt.(2012)–Zhong, X..; Li, Z.*Plasmon Enhanced Light Amplification in Metal–Insulator–Metal Waveguides with Gain. 14 (5), 055002.

29.Journal of Modern Optics(2012)–Zhong, X.; Li, Z.*; Meng, Z.; Zhou, Y. Mode Analysis for Periodically Modulated Metal Slits. 59 (9), 830–838.

30.J. Phys. Chem. C(2012)–Zhong, X.; Li, Z.*Giant Enhancement of Near-Ultraviolet Light Absorption by TiO 2 via a Three-Dimensional Aluminum Plasmonic Nano Funnel-Antenna. 116 (40), 21547–21555.

31.Journal of Applied Physics(2011)–Zhong, X.; Li, Z.*; Wang, C.; Zhou, Y. Analytical Single-Mode Model for Subwavelength Metallic Bragg Waveguides. 109 (9), 093115.

Collaborative works

32.Opt. Express(2023)–Wang, D.; Liu, B.; Song, J.; Wang, Y.; Shan, X.;Zhong, X.; Wang, F. Dual-Mode Adaptive-SVD Ghost Imaging. 31 (9), 14225.

33.Adv Materials Inter(2022)–Ding, Y.; Wang, M.; Mei, Z.; Liu, L.; Yang, J.;Zhong, X.; Wang, M.; Diao, X. Electrochromic Adaptability of NiOxFilms Modified by Substrate Temperature in Aqueous and Non‐Aqueous Electrolytes.9(17), 2102223.

34.Vacuum(2022)–Ding, Y.; Wang, M.; Mei, Z.; Liu, L.;Zhong, X.; Wang, M.; Diao, X. Enhanced Electrochromic Performance on Novel W@NiO Doped Composite Electrode via Pre-Annealing. 201, 111070.

35.Nano Lett. (2022)–Chen, C.; Ding, L.; Liu, B.; Du, Z.; Liu, Y.; Di, X.; Shan, X.; Lin, C.; Zhang, M.; Xu, X.;Zhong, X.; Wang, J.; Chang, L.; Halkon, B.; Chen, X.; Cheng, F.; Wang, F. Exploiting Dynamic Nonlinearity in Upconversion Nanoparticles for Super-Resolution Imaging. 22 (17), 7136–7143.

36.Chemical Engineering Journal(2021)–Liu, L.; Wang, T.; He, Z.; Yi, Y.; Wang, M.; Luo, Z.; Liu, Q.; Huang, J.;Zhong, X.; Du, K.; Diao, X. All-Solid-State Electrochromic Li-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors for Intelligent and Wide-Temperature Energy Storage. 414, 128892.

37.Energy Technol.(2021)–Che, X.; Guo, J.; Wang, M.; Wang, M.;Zhong, X.; Liu, Q.; Dong, G.; Wang, X.; Yang, J.; Diao, X. Thickness Dependence of WO3and NiOxThin Films in All‐Solid‐State Complementary Electrochromic Devices. 9 (12), 2100656.

38.Journal of Alloys and Compounds(2020)–Wang, C.; Dong, G.; Zhao, Y.; He, Y.; Ding, Y.; Du, X.;Zhong, X.; Wang, M.; Diao, X. Enhanced Electrochromic Performance on Anodic Nickel Oxide Inorganic Device via Lithium and Aluminum Co-Doping. 821, 153365.

39.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces(2020)–Du, L.; Sun, N.; Chen, Z.; Li, Y.; Liu, X.;Zhong, X.; Wu, X.; Xie, Y.; Liu, Q. Depletion-Mediated Uniform Deposition of Nanorods with Patterned, Multiplexed Assembly. 12 (43), 49200–49209.

40.Energy Storage Materials(2020)–Liu, L.; Diao, X.; He, Z.; Yi, Y.; Wang, T.; Wang, M.; Huang, J.; He, X.;Zhong, X.; Du, K. High-Performance All-Inorganic Portable Electrochromic Li-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors toward Safe and Smart Energy Storage. 33, 258–267.

41.ACS Nano(2019)–Li, S.-L.; Zhang, L.;Zhong, X.; Gobbi, M.; Bertolazzi, S.; Guo, W.; Wu, B.; Liu, Y.; Xu, N.; Niu, W.; Hao, Y.; Orgiu, E.; Samorì, P. Nano-Subsidence-Assisted Precise Integration of Patterned Two-Dimensional Materials for High-Performance Photodetector Arrays. 13 (2) 2654-2662.

42.Electrochimica Acta(2019)–Wang, M.; Barnabé, A.; Thimont, Y.; Wang, J.; He, Y.; Liu, Q.;Zhong, X.; Dong, G.; Yang, J.; Diao, X. Optimized Properties of Innovative ElectroChromic Device Using ITO / Ag / ITO Electrodes. 301, 200–208.

43.J. Mater. Chem. A(2019)–Liu, L.; Zhang, Q.; Du, K.; He, Z.; Wang, T.; Yi, Y.; Wang, M.;Zhong, X.; Dong, G.; Diao, X. An Intelligent and Portable Power Storage Device Able to Visualize the Energy Status. 7 (40), 23028–23037.

44.Nanoscale(2019)–Squillaci, M. A.;Zhong, X.; Peyruchat, L.; Genet, C.; Ebbesen, T. W.; Samorì, P. 2D Hybrid Networks of Gold Nanoparticles: Mechanoresponsive Optical Humidity Sensors. 11 (41), 19315–19318.

45.Electrochimica Acta(2018)–Xiao, Y.;Zhong, X.; Guo, J.; Zhou, C.; Zuo, H.; Liu, Q.; Huang, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Diao, X. The Role of Interface between LiPON Solid Electrolyte and Electrode in Inorganic Monolithic Electrochromic Devices. 260, 254–263.

46.J. Mater. Chem. C(2018)–Liu, Q.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Xiao, Y.;Zhong, X.; Dong, G.; Delplancke-Ogletree, M.-P.; Terryn, H.; Baert, K.; Reniers, F.; Diao, X.In SituElectrochromic Efficiency of a Nickel Oxide Thin Film: Origin of Electrochemical Process and Electrochromic Degradation. 6 (3), 646–653.

47.Electrochimica Acta(2018)–Liu, Q.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Dong, G.;Zhong, X.; Xiao, Y.; Delplancke-Ogletree, M.-P.; Reniers, F.; Diao, X. Dynamic Behaviors of Inorganic All-Solid-State Electrochromic Device: Role of Potential. 269, 617–623.

48.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells(2018)–Xiao, Y.; Dong, G.; Guo, J.; Liu, Q.; Huang, Q.; Zhang, Q.;Zhong, X.; Diao, X. Thickness Dependent Surface Roughness of Sputtered Li2.5TaOx Ion Conductor and Its Effect on Electro-Optical Performance of Inorganic Monolithic Electrochromic Device. 179, 319–327.

49.Adv. Mater.(2018)–Zhang, L.; Pasthukova, N.; Yao, Y.;Zhong, X.; Pavlica, E.; Bratina, G.; Orgiu, E.; Samorì, P. Self-Suspended Nanomesh Scaffold for Ultrafast Flexible Photodetectors Based on Organic Semiconducting Crystals. 30 (28), 1801181.

50.J. Am. Chem. Soc.(2017)–Zhang, L.; Li, S.; Squillaci, M. A.;Zhong, X.; Yao, Y.; Orgiu, E.; Samorì, P. Supramolecular Self-Assembly in a Sub-Micrometer Electrodic Cavity: Fabrication of Heat-Reversible π-Gel Memristor. 139 (41), 14406–14411.

51.Adv. Mater.(2017)–Zhang, L.; Pavlica, E.;Zhong, X.; Liscio, F.; Li, S.; Bratina, G.; Orgiu, E.; Samorì, P. Fast-Response Photonic Device Based on Organic-Crystal Heterojunctions Assembled into a Vertical-Yet-Open Asymmetric Architecture. 29 (11), 1605760.

52.Nature Nanotech.(2016)–Zhang, L.;Zhong, X.; Pavlica, E.; Li, S.; Klekachev, A.; Bratina, G.; Ebbesen, T. W.; Orgiu, E.; Samorì, P. A Nanomesh Scaffold for Supramolecular Nanowire Optoelectronic Devices. 11 (10), 900–906.

53.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(2016)–Thomas, A.; George, J.; Shalabney, A.; Dryzhakov, M.; Varma, S. J.; Moran, J.; Chervy, T.;Zhong, X.; Devaux, E.; Genet, C.; Hutchison, J. A.; Ebbesen, T. W. Ground-State Chemical Reactivity under Vibrational Coupling to the Vacuum Electromagnetic Field. 55 (38), 11462–11466.

54.J. Mater. Chem. C(2014)–Liao, Q.; Xu, Z.;Zhong, X.; Dang, W.; Shi, Q.; Zhang, C.; Weng, Y.; Li, Z.; Fu, H. An Organic Nanowire Waveguide Exciton–Polariton Sub-Microlaser and Its Photonic Application. 2 (15), 2773–2778.

55.Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications(2014)–Meng, Z.-M.; Hu, Y.-H.; Wang, C.;Zhong, X.; Ding, W.; Li, Z.-Y. Design of High-Q Silicon-Polymer Hybrid Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Microcavities for Low-Power and Ultrafast All-Optical Switching. 12 (1), 83–92.

56.Chinese Phys. B(2014)–Liu, J.;Zhong, X.; Li, Z.-Y. Enhanced Light Absorption of Silicon in the Near-Infrared Band by Designed Gold Nanostructures. 23 (4), 047306.

57.Journal of Applied Physics(2014)–Meng, Z.-M.; Hu, Y.-H.; Ju, G.-F.;Zhong, X.; Ding, W.; Li, Z.-Y. Numerical Investigation of Optical Tamm States in Two-Dimensional Hybrid Plasmonic-Photonic Crystal Nanobeams. 116 (4), 043106.

58.Small(2014)–Yang, Y.;Zhong, X.; Zhang, Q.; Blackstad, L. G.; Fu, Z.-W.; Li, Z.-Y.; Qin, D. The Role of Etching in the Formation of Ag Nanoplates with Straight, Curved and Wavy Edges and Comparison of Their SERS Properties. 10 (7), 1430–1437.

59.Part. Part. Syst. Charact.(2013)–Zheng, Y.;Zhong, X.; Li, Z.; Xia, Y. Successive, Seed-Mediated Growth for the Synthesis of Single-Crystal Gold Nanospheres with Uniform Diameters Controlled in the Range of 5-150 nm. 31 (2), 266–273.

60.Chinese Phys. Lett.(2013)–Ren, M.-L.;Zhong, X.; Chen, B.-Q.; Li, Z.-Y. An All-Optical Diode Based on Plasmonic Attenuation and Nonlinear Frequency Conversion. 30 (9), 097301.

61.CrystEngComm(2013)–Kim, D. Y.; Choi, K. W.;Zhong, X.; Li, Z.-Y.; Im, S. H.; Park, O. O. Au@Pd Core–Shell Nanocubes with Finely-Controlled Sizes3. DOI: 10.1039/c3ce40175h.

62.Small(2013)–Li, Q.; Jiang, Y.; Han, R.;Zhong, X.; Liu, S.; Li, Z.-Y.; Sha, Y.; Xu, D. High Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Performance of Individual Gold Nanoflowers and Their Application in Live Cell Imaging. 9 (6), 927–932.

63.ChemSusChem(2013)–Laskar, M.;Zhong, X.; Li, Z.-Y.; Skrabalak, S. E. Manipulating the Kinetics of Seeded Growth for Edge-Selective Metal Deposition and the Formation of Concave Au Nanocrystals. 6 (10), 1959–1965.

64.CrystEngComm(2013)–Choi, K. W.; Kim, D. Y.;Zhong, X.; Li, Z.-Y.; Im, S. H.; Park, O. O. Robust Synthesis of Gold Rhombic Dodecahedra with Well-Controlled Sizes and Their Optical Properties. 15 (2), 252–258.

65.Chem. Asian J.(2013)–Zheng, Y.; Ma, Y.; Zeng, J.;Zhong, X.; Jin, M.; Li, Z.-Y.; Xia, Y. Seed-Mediated Synthesis of Single-Crystal Gold Nanospheres with Controlled Diameters in the Range 5-30 Nm and Their Self-Assembly upon Dilution. 8 (4), 792–799.

66.ACS Nano(2012)–Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Wang, J.;Zhong, X.; Lu, N.; Li, Z.; Xie, Z.; Kim, M. J.; Xia, Y. Copper Can Still Be Epitaxially Deposited on Palladium Nanocrystals To Generate Core–Shell Nanocubes Despite Their Large Lattice Mismatch. 6 (3), 2566–2573.

67.Chin. Opt. Lett.(2012)–Ziming Meng, Z. M.;Zhong, X., X. Z.; Chen Wang, C. W.; Zhiyuan Li, Z. L. Fabrication of Air-Bridged Kerr Nonlinear Polymer Photonic Crystal Slab Structures in near-Infrared Region. 10 (11), 112202–112204.

68.Opt. Express(2012)–Qin, F.; Meng, Z.-M.;Zhong, X.; Liu, Y.; Li, Z.-Y. Fabrication of Semiconductor-Polymer Compound Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Slab with Highly Uniform Infiltration Based on Nano-Imprint Lithography Technique. 20 (12), 13091.

69.Small(2012)–Li, B.; Long, R.;Zhong, X.; Bai, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Zhang, X.; Zhi, M.; He, J.; Wang, C.; Li, Z.-Y.; Xiong, Y. Investigation of Size-Dependent Plasmonic and Catalytic Properties of Metallic Nanocrystals Enabled by Size Control with HCl Oxidative Etching. 8 (11), 1710–1716.

70.Sci Rep.(2012)–Wang, C.;Zhong, X.; Li, Z.-Y. Linear and Passive Silicon Optical Isolator. 2 (1), 674.

71.Nanotechnology(2012)–Ling, L.; Guo, H.-L.;Zhong, X.; Huang, L.; Li, J.-F.; Gan, L.; Li, Z.-Y. Manipulation of Gold Nanorods with Dual-Optical Tweezers for Surface Plasmon Resonance Control. 23 (21), 215302.

72.EPL(2012)–Meng, Z.-M.;Zhong, X.; Wang, C.; Li, Z.-Y. Numerical Investigation of High-Contrast Ultrafast All-Optical Switching in Low-Refractive-Index Polymeric Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Microcavities. 98 (5), 54002.

73.Advances in materials Research(2012)–Do Youb Kim; Kyeong Woo Choi; Sang Hyuk Im; O Ok Park;Zhong, X.; Zhi-Yuan Li. One-Pot Synthesis of Gold Trisoctahedra with High-Index Facets. 1 (1), 1–12.

74.Nanoscale(2012)–Xiong, Y.; Long, R.; Liu, D.;Zhong, X.; Wang, C.; Li, Z.-Y.; Xie, Y. Solar Energy Conversion with Tunable Plasmonic Nanostructures for Thermoelectric Devices. 4 (15), 4416.
