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王帆教授自2014年博士毕业以来一直从事纳米材料以及光子学相关研究,先后在澳大利亚国立大学Chennupati Jagadish院士团队,麦考瑞大学澳大利亚生物光子学研究中心James A. Piper教授团队,悉尼科技大学金大勇教授团队担任纳米、生物光子学方向的研究负责人。2019年被悉尼科技大学聘为校长特聘博士后研究学者,并开始成立自己的研究小组。2020年被澳大利亚科研理事会授予澳大利亚青年学者奖。共发表SCI文章72篇,含Nature 1篇,Nature子刊8篇,h-index 33,单篇最高引用大于455次;其中第一/通讯文章17篇,含Nature Nanotechnology 1篇,Nature Communications 2篇,Light: Science & Applications 1篇,Optica 1篇,Nano Letters 5篇,和Advanced Materials 1篇。特邀参加国际光电工程学会SPIE以及光学学会(OSA)等国际会议十余次。


2003-2007 完美体育应用物理学士

2008-2014 新南威尔士大学物理系硕士,博士


2013-2015 澳洲国立大学博士后

2015-2017 麦考瑞大学澳洲生物光子学中心博士后

2017-2019 悉尼科技大学数理学院博士后

2019-2021 悉尼科技大学数理学院校长特聘博士后

2020-2021 悉尼科技大学工程学院讲师

2022-now 完美体育教授






2.澳洲David Syme研究奖



“Frontiers in Chemistry”副编委

“MDPI Photonics”客座编委

“European Physical Journal”客座编委

期刊审稿人Nature Photonics,Nature Communications,Nano Letters,Light: Science & Applications,Journal of the American Chemical Society,Optica,Cell Reports Physical Science,Small Methods,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Nanoscale, Photonics Research, APL Photonics,Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express, Optics Letters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


1.Nature Nanotechnology(2021)– Shan, Xuchen?,Wang, Fan*?, Wang, Dejiang, Wen, Shihui, Chen, Chaohao, Di, Xiangjun, Nie, Peng, Liao, Jiayan, Liu, Yongtao, Ding, Lei, Reece, Peter*& JIn, Dayong*, “Optical tweezers beyond refractive index mismatch using highly doped nanoparticles”, vol 16 (5), 531-537. [IF: 31.5] [co-first author, co-corresponding author]

2.Nature Communication(2021)– Liu, Yongtao?, Zhou, Zhiguang?,Wang, Fan*?, Kewes, Günter, Wen, Shihui, Burger, Sven, Wakiani, Majid Ebrahimi, Xi, Peng, Yang, Jiong, Yang, Xusan, Benson, Oliver* & Jin, Dayong*, “Axial Localization and Tracking of Self-interference Nanoparticles by Lateral Point Spread Functions”, 12(1), 1-9. [IF: 12.1] [co-first author, co-corresponding author]

3.Advanced Materials(2021)– Chaohao Chen, Baolei Liu, Yongtao Liu, Jiayan Liao, Xuchen Shan,Fan Wang*, and Dayong Jin*, “Heterochromatic Nonlinear Optical Responses in Upconversion Nanoparticles for Super-resolution Nanoscopy”, vol 33 (23), 2008847. [published as the front cover] [IF: 27] [co-corresponding author]

4.Nature Communication(2018)– C. Chen?,F. Wang*?, S. Wen, Q. P. Su, M. C.L. Wu, Y. Liu, B. Wang, D. Li, X. Shan, M. Kianinia, I. Aharonovich, M. Toth, S. P. Jackson, P. Xi and D. Jin*, "Multi-photon near-infrared emission saturation nanoscopy using upconversion nanoparticles", vol. 9(1), 4, 2018.[co-first author, co-corresponding author]

5.Light: Science & Applications(2018)-F. Wang*, S. Wen, H. He, B. Wang, Z. Zhou, O. Shimoni, D. Jin*, "Microscopic inspection and tracking of single upconversion nanoparticles in living cells", vol. 7(4), 18007, 2018, [published as the front cover][first author, co-corresponding author]

6.Optica(2021)– Baolei Liu,Wang, Fan*, Chaohao Chen, Fei Dong, David McGloin*, “Self-evolving ghost imaging”, vol. 8, 10, 1340-1349. [IF: 11.1]

7.Nanoscale(2020)–L. Gao, X. Shan, X. Xu, Y. Liu, B. Liu, S. Li, S. Wen, C. Ma, D. Jin, andF. Wang*,“Video-rate upconversion display from optimized lanthanide ion doped upconversion nanoparticles”,2020,12, 18595-18599.[published as a cover paper]

8.Nano Letters(2020)– B. Liu, C. Chen, X. Di, J. Liao, S. Wen, Q.P. Su, X. Shan, Z.Q. Xu, L.A. Ju, C. Mi,F. Wang*, and D. Jin*, “Upconversion Nonlinear Structured Illumination Microscopy”, 20, 7, 4775–4781.[published as a cover paper]

9.Small(2020)Y. Liu,F. Wang*, H. Lu, S. Wen, C. Chen, X. Shan, G. Fang, M. Stenzel and D. Jin, “Super-resolution mapping of single nanoparticles inside spheroids”, 16 (6), 1905572. [IF: 10.856;published as a cover paper]

10.APL Photonics(2019)– X.X. Xu,Z. Zhou, Y. Liu,S. Wen, Z. Guo, L. Gao andF. Wang*, “Optimizing passivation shell thickness of single upconversion nanoparticles using a time-resolved spectrometer”, vol. 4, 026104, 2019.

11.Nanoscale(2019)–X. Yuan*, L. Li, Z. Li,F. Wang*, N. Wang, L. Fu, J. He, H.H. Tan and C. Jagadish, “Unexpected Benefits of Stacking Faults on the Electronic Structure and Optical Emission in Wurtzite GaAs/GaInP Core/Shell Nanowires”. [IF: 7.2]

12.Nano Letters(2017)-C. Ma, X. Xu*,F. Wang*, Z. Zhou, D. Liu, J. Zhao, M. Guan, C. I. Lang and D. Jin*, “Optimal Sensitizer Concentration in Single Upconversion Nanocrystals”, vol. 17(5), pp.2858-2864, 2017, (IF:12.1]

13.Nano Letters(2015)-F. Wang*,Q. Gao, K. Peng, Y. Guo, Z. Li, L. Fu, L.M. Smith, H. H. Tan and C. Jagadish, "Spatially Resolved Doping Concentration and Nonradiative Lifetime Profiles in Single Si-Doped InP Nanowires Using Photoluminescence Mapping", vol. 15, pp.3017-3023, 2015. [IF: 12.1]

14.Nano Letters(2013)-F. Wang, W. J. Toe, W. M. Lee, D. McGloin, M. Gao, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish and P.J. Reece*, "Resolving Stable Axial Trapping Points of Nanowires in an Optical Tweezers using Photoluminescence Mapping", vol. 13, pp.1185-1191, 2013. [IF:12.1]

15.Nano Letters(2011)-F. Wang, P. J. Reece*, S. Paiman, M. Gao, H. H. Tan and C. Jagadish, "Nonlinear Optical Processes in Optically Trapped InP Nanowires", vol. 11, pp.4149-4153, 2011. [IF: 12.1]
